Umendo Chapter 26
Siya and his friends had suspected that a couple of guys they know had a hand in my missing car and that they worked for Lumkile. So that evening, Francis called Siya telling him that those guys made a snide remark about how their business was going down. They suspicions were raised, so they confronted them. The confrontation heightened when one of them said "Sowhat if we took the car? There is nothing you can do about it!". Siya lost it, things got out of hand and they stabbed him. That's what Francis and Chris told me. I had had enough with that woman so I called her
Lumkile: So Siyabonga is still asking you to run his life? Even where his son is concerned ?
Sme: You heartless witch, is it all worth it? Will you sleep like a baby when you have killed my husband?
Lumkile: Yeyeni bantu! Ukhuluma ngani?
Sme: Don't act all surprised Lumkile, after you took their driving school car, you sent otsotsi bakho to murder my husband, now he is fighting for his life in a coma.
Lumkile: What?
Sme: Don't what me, you will get what's coming to you. And you better kneel down and pray with everything you have that my husband survives because if he doesn't, l will rain fire on you, mthakathi ndini mnxxx! (And l hung up)
She called me about a dozen times, but I ignored her. Around 2am, the doctor told me that l could go see my husband, but l was not allowed to stay long. Seeing him lying there with tubes all over him killed me. I asked the doctor how long he thought Siya would stay in a coma. He explained that he couldn't be sure at that stage, he told me that it was going to depend on how his body responds and that they may have an idea after two or three days. Chris and Francis took me back home because I was scared of driving by myself in the middle of the night. It felt so empty and lonely at home without Siya. I took a shower and went to sleep. I decided that l was going to fast and pray for 3 days for my husband's recovery. I fell asleep crying that night. I was woken up by a call around 7am, l jumped, quickly answered without checking who it was. I thought that it was the hospital, my heart was beating out of control. It was Zandie, she wanted me to open the door for her. She embraced me and l cried some more. She said that she had come to take me to her house because she didn't want me being alone at a time like this. I told her that I was going to be fine, and that I wanted to fast, so l couldn't be around distractions. She told me that she was going to join me in fasting and that she wasn't leaving without me, so l ended up packing a few things and going with her. I dropped off my car at a car wash because there was blood at the back seat. I got a call around noon when we getting ready to go to the hospital, from Siya's mother letting me know that she and ubab'uNkomo were coming over the following day to see their son.
That meant that l would have to go back home. I just prayed that Siya's mother would behave like an adult and not make things any worse than they already were. My parents called as well asking if they could come over, but l declined and told them Siya's parents were coming. We went to visit Siya and he was pretty much the same and l was disappointed, l think subconsciously I had expected a bit of change from him. His sister and uncles arrived whilst we were there. All their words of comfort that were supposed to make me stronger but they made me more emotional. It's like when you have lost someone very close to your heart, when people try to comfort you, all that does is make you cry.
After visiting Siya, I went over to my workplace to get some work so that I could work from home. Mike and l were going to conference call everyday for briefing and anything else we needed to discuss. Thank heavens for technology. The following day l woke up early and went for a jog to clear up my head and it helped to a certain point. When I came back Zandie met me at the door and asked me to sit down. My knees went weak, I suddenly couldn't breathe, I started blaming myself for not taking my phone with me, my palms were sweating.
Zandie: Mfazie, calm down
Sme: Please don't tell me Siya had passed away
Zandie: No, mfazi, you received a call from UBongiwe ( Siya's youngest sister)
Sme: Yini? Uthi basendleleni omama?
Zandie: No, unfortunately they can't make it anymore ngoba ubaba kaSiya had a stroke this morning, bamthwalele esbhedlela.
Sme: Oh no Zandie, ngizomtshela ngithini uSiyabonga bantu. Maye nkosi yami!Let me call them
I called Siya's mum who wasn't picking up, so l called Bongiwe who told me that they had been packing to leave for SA when ubab'uNkomo had a stroke. His right hand side had been paralysed and his speech was slurred. I guess it true that when it rains it pours. We knelt down and prayed for both Siya and his father's recovery. Siya was still the same as he was the day before, l held his hand and told him to wake up because we all needed him. I didn't know if he could hear me or not, but l told him about how lonely l was without him and how much l loved him. Later that day l received a call from Francis telling me that they had gotten their driving school car back. Some much needed good news. I didn't want to call Lumki or Nicole to ask how the baby was and to ask the baby's sex, so l called Sharon to see if she knew anything about the bay. She told me that she hadn't been to see the baby, but she had seen a picture that Nicole had posted on FB. She told me that the baby was an exact replica of his father and that Nicole had named him Juniour. I had a call waiting from Siya's mother whilst l was still talking to Sharon, so l dropped her call and answered umamazala
Sme: Yebo mama linjani?
MaMoyo: Unjani umntanami?
Sme: Nothing has changed, he is still in a coma
MaMoyo: Bathi uzovuka nini odokotela ?
Sme: Bathi it depends on how fast his body heals
MaMoyo: Uqinile umntanami, uzovuka
Sme: That's what we are all hoping for
MaMoyo: Umama womntanakhe umazisile ngesimo akuso uSiya?
Sme: Hayi, umamakhe uyazi. It all happened when she was in labour
MaMoyo: Hawu, ubelethile?
Sme: Yebo, umntwana ongumfana
MaMoyo: Kanti manje awusazisi ngani into engako?
Sme: Ngilibele mama, izinto zisuke zangandela
MaMoyo: Habeeeee, unjani kanti wena mthethwakho? Ulenhliziyo embi mntakaDube, uthi pho ayisuwe ogwazise umntanami ufuna ukumbulalisa umbulalela umntwana lo osifihlela yena.Umkami ulele esbhedlela ushaywe yi stroke ngendaba yestress somntanakhe ogulela ukufa, wena uhleli mnandi udla imali yakhe. Hehhhhh, Imihlola kaMoyo ukhokho olele emathuneni!
Typical monster-in-law this MaMoyo woman