Monday, 9 June 2014

Umendo Chapter 15

Umendo Chapter 15

I woke up in Siya's hands on the sofa. "Hayi bantu, not this damn sofa", I thought. I felt dizzy, the ceiling was going round and round. Siya was holding a packet of frozen mixed vegetables on my forehead. I looked at him, 

Siya: Oh thank God, I am so sorry baby, I didn't release just how hard I pulled the bag, I was so scared you would leave and never come back to me again(He removed the bag from my forehead ) I always see this in movies. 
Sme: Haha, you watch too many movies, how long was I unconscious for?
Siya: About two minutes, I have called Lindo to come with us to the hospital. Ambulances take forever to come, so l asked Lindo to ride at the back with you. He will be here any minute. He is the only nearest person I could think of.
Sme: We don't need to go to the hospital, I will be fine. I just need to take some ibuprofen and lie down for a little while
Siya: No baby, what if you have a concucusion that will damage your brain or you are bleeding inside. Phela you hit the floor with the back of your head as well
Sme: I will be fine Siya, if l wake up not feeling good we can go
Siya: Hayi love, we cannot take that chance, what if you go to sleep and never wake up? I would never forgive myself. Please, let's just go. Better safe than sorry like you always say, right?
Sme: Ah, ok then. But we don't need to go with Lindo. 
Siya: Ok, let me call him and cancel.

We went to MediClinic in Morningside, Sandton. We didn't wait that long to see a doctor. He did some tests, like moving his index finger from left to right whilst I follow it's movement with my eyes, he held up his hands and asked me to push it down, and few other tests which seemed a bit silly really, but necessary l suppose. He concluded that I was fine, I wouldn't need a head scan. He told me to come back if l started having severe headaches, fits and vomiting. I hoped it wouldn't come to that. We got back home and Siya told me to go lie down whilst he cooked super. 
I woke up about two hours later, there was a candle on the dining table, Siya was in the middle of setting up the table. He pulled the chair out for me, looked at me and smiled. He had cooked rice and beef stew, I must say, l taught him well. When I met Siya, the only thing he could cook was fried eggs. Oh, and a cup of tea. But now he could cook a proper meal even without my help, I was impressed. That whole night, Siya was all over the place, talking non stop, apologising for this or that, if he said something and I didn't respond, he would quickly say something else or say he was only joking. He was so nervous it was kinda funny to watch. He didn't even make any sexual gestures, but he told me that if I wanted some, he would happily comply. Hahah, shame. I'm sure if I suggested that we go to couple's counselling, he would have agreed at that moment even though he always says it's a waste of money and time. "Why waste money by asking someone to listen to your problems when you can talk it out, ma kusehlula then you involve abadala, they will listen for no charge", he always said. 
When I was about to doze off my phone rang, it was Ntuli/Andile. Oh no, I had forgotten about him, Siya handed me the phone puzzled. I just dropped the call which made him suspicious. He called again and Siya picked it up and put him on speakerphone

Siya: Weh ndoda, ufunani kumfazi wami?
Andile: Ermmm, askies ndoda, she told me she was single
Siya looked at me confused
Siya: Ndoda, ndoda, hlukana no mfazi wam, delete her numbers uvele ukhohlwe ngaye
Andile: Siya? Siyabonga?
Siya: Yebo
Andile: Hawu ndoda, nguwe?
Siya: Yebo Andile, ufunani from uSme?
Andile: Yi misunderstanding ndoda, talk to her. It's not what it looks like.
Siya hung up and asked me what's going on. I explain to him about how I found out that Ntuli was actually Andile and our phone conversation 

Sme: So this is what you do when you are with your friends Siyabonga, you go around asking for girls' numbers?
Siya: No baby, I don't do that. UAndile uyi Casanova, I don't even hang around with him much anyway. I asked him because you know all my friends, so l couldn't ask any of them.
Sme: Amanga asegazini kuwe neh? They just come so naturally.
Siya: Akunjalo love, I don't like lying to you. I know how much you hate being lied to, and I'm sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen. Please relax for now, we can talk about this tomorrow. 

Everytime I turned that night I found Siya awake, looking at me, or his hand checking for my pulse, or checking my heartbeat.I don't think he slept for at all. He said that he wanted to make sure that  nothing happened to me during the night, he was still worried about the fall. He didn't go to work the following day. He spent most of the morning sleeping. He called some guys to come and take the sofa away. When they removed the sofa, there were a few things under the sofa. Amongst the things were two durex ribbed condoms. 

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